Soon, they realize that there will be no egg hunt as they have banished the Easter Bunny and begin to regret getting rid of him. The Titans have now defeated the Easter Bunny! This causes the Easter Bunny to be at first crushed by the giant fist, but then he flies way up into the sky. Cyborg then orders Beast Boy to give the robot a "rocket punch". This does nothing but makes the Easter Bunny and his giant egg fly in the air. Cyborg is annoyed and grossed out, and he orders Robin to give the bunny a "power stomp". Even the robot gets disgusted and throws up mechanical parts. The Easter Bunny then finally succeeds laying his giant egg, which is almost the size of the robot. This time, all the Titans get grossed out.

The Easter Bunny says that he must lay eggs for Easter and tries again to lay an egg with no success. After they launch it, they land it right in front of the now surprised Easter Bunny, who tries to lay a big egg in front of the robot, which even grosses out Beast Boy. The Titans decide to go out in the Titan Robot to try and defeat the Easter Bunny. Robin tells them to get it together, and that the Easter Bunny's Easter creepiness must be put to a stop once and for all.

But suddenly, he puts his grotesque face right up to the screen. Suddenly, he disappears on the tracker and Raven says that she thinks that he might have left. The Titans are tracking the Easter Bunny, and Starfire announces that he is heading towards them. The Titans' holiday spirit is crushed by this, and the Easter Bunny begins singing his famous Easter song. The five of them talk about hunting for all the eggs, when suddenly there is a crime alert. He then announces that it is time for the annual Jump City Easter Egg hunt and Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy, and Cyborg all get excited about it. It's Easter in Jump City, and Robin is decorating the Tower for the holiday. Not wanting to be creeped out on Easter, the Titans dispatch the Easter Bunny and take matters into their own hands.